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Liberty Common High School (7-12)


Graduation Image

Liberty Common High School

2745 Minnesota Dr. Fort Collins, CO 80525

Serving both junior-high and high-school students, Liberty Common High School is a tuition-free, public institution that offers a college-preparatory, classical, liberal-arts curriculum accentuating the humanities with a strong emphasis upon math, science, and engineering.
At Liberty Common High School, liberal education encompasses not only academic knowledge but character development and civic virtue. Time-tested, content-rich curriculum is designed to nurture these qualities in students. We strive to prepare them for the challenges of life, both in college and beyond, by fostering a strong desire for what is good, true, beautiful, and perfect.

asher black

The Daniels Fund Scholarship is an amazing opportunity—not only to have my education fully funded but also to be part of such an outstanding program.  Attending Liberty Common equipped me with both the academic and leadership experience needed to pursue this scholarship, and I am so thankful for that.asher blackClass of 2024, Daniels Fund Scholarship Recipient

Liberty Common High School's Success

Year over year, Liberty Common School juniors deliver Colorado’s atypical SAT scores, ranking #1 in the Poudre School District and in the top five schools in Colorado out of over 600 high-school entities. This stunning achievement is only possible due to consistently delivered, expert-level instruction by professional classroom instructors.

school Profile

girl looking at art

Classical Education

Classical education refers to education developed and passed down through centuries, from the ancient Greeks, to our Founding Fathers. Classical education describes the time-tested curricula, materials, methods, and aims traditionally used to educate our youth, and serve to build and preserve our Western civilization.

more about classical education

student at charter school rally

Character Education

At LCHS, character education focuses on six capstone virtues. These ideas are studied and advanced through rich literature and biographical examples. They are also reinforced through dedicated character assemblies and serve as the pillars of the school’s House System.

LCHS Leadership Team

Bob Schaffer

Bob Schaffer

Robert Robinson

Robert Robinson

Liberty Common High School
Kathleen Kearney

Kathleen Kearney

Liberty Common High School
Assistant Principal
Christopher Reynolds

Christopher Reynolds

Liberty Common High School
Assistant Principal