Classical Education
“A real education must be based on a serious, consecutive, progressive study of something definite, teachable, and hard. Knowledge must have traceable contours.” Tracy lee simmons Climbing Parnassus
By classical education, we refer to the type of education developed and passed down through centuries, from the ancient Greeks, to our Founding Fathers. Classical education describes the time-tested curricula, materials, methods, and aims traditionally used to educate our youth, and serve to build and preserve our Western civilization. This liberal-arts tradition includes teaching objective standards, the instillation of real knowledge, and instruction in moral character and civic virtue. Classical schools seek to cultivate virtuous habits of thought and action in order to orient students’ minds and affections to the true, good, beautiful, and perfect.
The time-tested classical model achieves these aims through a curriculum that emphasizes the histories, literary works, and achievements that shaped our society and inform our understanding of what it is to live a meaningful life. It challenges students to master the works and subject matters of Western civilization’s greatest thinkers. In the true and original sense of the liberal arts, it provides an education that is fitting for free men and women, and that fits them to be free. It prepares youth to become flourishing individuals capable of personal self-governance. It fortifies the foundations for political self-governance in our Republic, so that future generations may profit from its strength and longevity.
Curriculum at LCHS
Learn more about how Liberty Common High School utilizes classical education in the classroom by exploring department descriptions and review curriculum maps.
Raphael. The School of Athens. 1509-1511. Fresco. Stanza della Segnatura, Vatican City.
Further Reading
The Introduction to Classical Education: A Guide for Parents by Christopher Perrin
Classical Education: The Movement Sweeping America by Gene Edward Veith and Andrew Kern
The Making of Americans: Democracy and Our School by E.D. Hirsch, Jr.
Cultural Literacy by E.D. Hirsch, Jr.
Why Johnny Can’t Tell Right from Wrong: and What We Can Do About It by William Kilpatrick
America’s Overdue Resurgence In Classical Education By Bob Schaffer