The Liberty Common School Board of Directors is pleased to announce Mrs. Nancy Hoyer has been selected as the new Assistant Principal at the Aristotle Campus. Mrs. Hoyer began her career at Liberty Common in the 2018–2019 school year as a music teacher. She transitioned from the Plato Campus to the Aristotle Campus when the Aristotle Campus was opened in 2022. As our enrollment for the Aristotle Campus is expanding each year until it exceeds capacity, Mrs. Hoyer’s new role as Assistant Principal will be important in helping our elementary program. Please join the Board in congratulating Mrs. Hoyer on her new role.
On the topic of expansion, as students at the Aristotle campus matriculate to higher-grade levels, work is being done for our eventual expansion of the junior-high school. High School Assistant Principal Kathleen Kearney is leading efforts to determine what eventual staffing of an expanded junior-high school will look like. Meetings and discussions are being held to determine the eventual location of the junior-high school with the goal of opening for the 2025–2026 school year.
For the annual Board of Directors election, the Board has two seats up for election. Two candidates applied and qualified to be Members for the Board. Because there is no contest for the board seats, the election is cancelled in accordance with Board policies.