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Summer Camps and New Courses: The Learning Continues

Summer Camps and New Courses: The Learning Continues
Chris Reynolds, LCHS Assistant Principal

As we turn the corner into May, we all start looking more eagerly toward summer plans. In addition to campgrounds, swimming pools, and far-away destinations, Liberty Common School will be buzzing with activity.  

At all levels, the pursuit of truth, goodness, beauty, and perfection continues throughout the summer. At both elementary campuses, students will create music and art, as well as dig deeper into math and reading. Camps for all levels provide an opportunity for students to boost their skills or explore something more deeply.
At the high school, students can gain credit toward graduation, discover a new passion, bolster their work from the school year, and make space in their schedules for more school-year electives. Summer courses serve many purposes but the target is always learning. Whichever practical opportunity these courses may provide, I am most encouraged when I see students flourishing all year long. With this in mind, we have added two new classes this summer to further the pursuit of wisdom.

Outdoor Physical-Education and Fitness

This course will earn students five credits toward graduation and is open to rising 9th-12th graders. Additionally, we hope students will develop an affection for activities that serve them for the rest of their lives. The summertime provides a unique opportunity to spend more time outdoors. With four-hour sessions, students will hike and bike local trails, sharpen skills at local golf courses, learn the essentials of backpacking and camping, and round out their time with many more activities like disc golf and tennis. 
Adding more options for physical education at Liberty Common solidifies our commitment to being classically oriented including training habits in all aspects of life. The life of the mind cannot be separated from the body. Physical struggles teach perseverance and fortitude. Exertion and focus anchor students in a reality outside of their mind, while creating habits benefitting both body and mind. We are excited to offer these new opportunities to wonder and grow.

Chemistry Review

Our other new offering is intended to help students find more success by accessing chemistry more fully throughout the school year. Open to rising 10th-12th graders, this course can assist many levels of students. Whether a rising sophomore or junior is nervous about starting Chemistry in August, or a rising junior or senior is looking for a refresher as they enter AP chemistry, the summer review will provide some first-pass information or review of previous material to give students confidence entering the fall. 
As one of many review sessions for the summer, I look forward to seeing students in the building gaining more practice with chemistry, as well as grammar, math, writing, and more. With so many options available, please reach out with any questions about the best fit for your family.