Staying Focused on the Main Goal
Staying Focused on the Main Goal
Robert Robinson, LCHS Principal
It is a joy to have a school full of students again. The building is full of positive energy and purpose. Each new beginning is another opportunity to refocus on our ultimate goals. The LCS School Captains, Anagha Mathur and Will Dannohower, have helped us in this regard by establishing an excellent new school-wide motto for the 2024-205 school year: FIRMITAS FACIT FAMILIAM. This Latin phrase translates to "Strength Makes Family." The first word, strength, can be read as constancy or firmness of purpose. One of many useful ways to think about this motto is to consider how our collective diligence and persistence in providing the best possible education for children make a family of the Liberty Common community.
The LCS faculty spent the last week before school intensively preparing for the year. We conducted training, reviewed policies, and counseled together about how best to serve students and families. As we did so, we stayed firmly focused on the main goal, defined in our mission statement, “to provide excellence and fairness in education.” One of the key resources utilized in our training was the Teach Like a Champion series on classroom methods written by Doug Lemov. This series includes practical strategies which can be immediately applied in the classroom. One of many reasons we rely on Lemov is he shares an important key assumption with us, which is—the purpose of classroom management and other skills of pedagogy is to eliminate distractions and allow the maximum focus on meaningful content.
In addition to a strong curriculum, character education is an integral part of who we are. Students will learn knowledge and simultaneously develop the wisdom to apply it with fortitude, temperance, justice, prudence, gratitude, and patriotism.
The outstanding existing faculty and staff have been joined this year by wonderful new additions. Liberty parent Angie Shoemaker teaches 7th-grade English. Kelly Moran assists Mrs. Campbell in the College Center. Megan Kincaid, an LCHS graduate, works at the front desk. Mike Crane serves as the school psychologist for all campuses and as the high-school 504 coordinator. Finally, Liberty parent Connie Pallansch has joined the team in academic support.
We are grateful you have chosen Liberty Common High School as a partner and resource as you guide the education and upbringing of your children. FIRMITAS FACIT FAMILIAM!