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Parent Education

Parent Education
Dr. Mindy Story, Board of Directors
As a school committed to “cultivating students to become critical thinkers and leaders,” Liberty is also committed to encouraging and supporting parental involvement. Parents deserve and should exercise their right to direct the education of their children. This is not a passive process. It is not always an easy undertaking, but it is a right and a blessing – one to be grateful for every day. I am grateful to the founders of Liberty Common School who had the vision to demand this opportunity for families throughout Northern Colorado. The founders fought hard battles. Some days, how we live out our parental rights and responsibilities may also feel like a battle – a battle of time – driving our kids to school, meeting with teachers, and ensuring homework is completed.  It is a battle to help our kids understand why a dress code matters and why reading the Iliad matters. We must keep our sights on the goal, believe in the mission, and be prepared for our battles. One such way to prepare ourselves is through our own education and understanding.
There are multiple ways Liberty offers support to parents to explore the understanding of classical education and school philosophies. When we understand these concepts themselves, we are appropriately armed to defend these beliefs in our households and in our community.
As a parent dedicated to life-long learning and a Member of the Board of Directors, I appreciate being a part of the Parent Education Committee. The purpose of this committee is “to increase the understanding and alignment with our values and philosophies among our school community. To provide vision and academic leadership continuity.” The PEC helps organize events such as Liberty on Tap and our upcoming event, “The Schools Kids Need.” Our guest for the evening is Dr. Anika Prather. When she was a keynote speaker for the Festival of Ideas in 2022, I was inspired and uplifted by her words. We are very fortunate to be able to bring her back for a wonderful evening on the CSU campus, at Canvas Stadium. We will all have the opportunity to increase our understanding of what classically-oriented education means and why it is so critically important we educate our children accordinly.
If you would like other opportunities to increase your understanding of what an education at Liberty means — to embrace the idea of our children being “inclined toward truth, beauty, goodness, and perfection” – I encourage you to listen to the Common Knowledge podcast. Through these podcasts, you will be taken on a journey through Renaissance Italy with Dr. Penning or perhaps you will be intrigued about how math impacts the human soul with Mr. Lovely, as well as several other enlightening excursions of your mind.
Yet another opportunity available each year for us to be motivated to think outside of our own daily grind includes the Liberty Lectures. This academic year, we have listened in on conversations with guests Helen Raleigh and Aurora, Colorado Mayor Mike Coffman.
Additionally, the PEC is currently working on updates to a staple read for parents, What Every Liberty Parent Should Know. A digital copy of the current edition is available on the school website.
No matter your learning style – listening to podcasts while you navigate the pick-up line (with your phone on “hands-free” playing in your car), joining fellow parents for an evening out for one of many events offered across all campuses (also including the CSU campus), or curling up with your favorite book (What Every Liberty Parent Should Know) – I invite you to push your mind, to be inspired, to ask questions, to more fully understand how your educational philosophies align with Liberty, and to be in a mindset of gratitude for the opportunities offered to our children through Liberty Common School.