As parents sending our students to LCS in 2023, I presume we are highly interested in the security of the campus(es) where our children spend so much of their lives focused on higher learning and far from our “blanket of protection” within our homes and families. Liberty’s Board of Directors is grateful to report the LCS administration, teaching staff, and Board shares a unified interest and concern regarding the security and safety of our children and has taken actions to vigilantly prepare for internal/external threats. We are taking the opportunity to communicate four school-wide actions positively impacting the safety/security of our campuses.
One of the school’s ongoing actions is the administration/teaching staff’s active role in participating in training which aggressively prepares an undisclosed number of our educators to impactfully act when confronted with multiple types of possible internal/external threats. This ongoing training is provided both off-site and within our school buildings to improve realism and help to more readily identify any areas considered vulnerable.
LCS educators have volunteered a substantial amount of personal time to engage in multiple training sessions designed to provide each participant with skills to confidently act in a situation threatening the safety of one or all of our students. We are blessed to have administrators and teachers who wisely embrace the importance of vigilance and preparedness specific to the security of our children and campuses.
Penultimately, we have resumed the Watch D.O.G.S. program at our two elementary-school campuses. Watch D.O.G.S., is a nationally recognized program that brings hundreds of thousands of fathers and father figures into school classrooms and hallways across the country. Attention fathers, grandfathers, and graduates in our alumnus corps: If interested in volunteering time on our LCS Watch D.O.G.S., team, email Mr. Jay Montez. This is truly a great opportunity to serve LCS.
The fourth action is our most recent effort to procure the services of a competent/respected commercial-security organization to collaboratively work with the administration/faculty members of our security team in assessing our campuses for improving physical-security measures. This includes evaluating the strength of our LCS staff to respond to a perceived/actual threat. Our contract partner possesses extensive experience within and outside Larimer County and the Poudre School District on all matters related to security and we are confident the LCS campuses will benefit from this collaborative effort to routinely test/evaluate the strength and efficacy of our ongoing planning. Additional complementary efforts to strengthen the security of our campuses have been taken. However, due to their sensitive nature, we will not be communicating specific elements in an open forum.
In other news, we are pleased to announce one of the fruits of the “Let Them Play” fundraising effort will now shine brightly over Everett Field adjacent the Plato campus as the installation of the field lights is now complete. Join us on Tue 11 Apr 2023 at 6:30PM for the LC Eagles women’s soccer game against Frontier Academy to see the new stadium lights in action. We will be honoring our generous donors with a "Flip the Switch" ceremony before the game. We are grateful for every LCS family’s contribution to yet another much-needed improvement to our excellent school.