A Board of Directors Welcome Back
A Board of Directors Welcome Back
Patrick Albright, Board of Directors President
The Liberty Common School Board of Directors is thrilled to welcome parents back for the 2024–2025 school year.
One of the first reports the LCS Board of Directors receives each school year is from the Security Committee. While it’s unfortunate so much emphasis must be placed on security these days, the safety and wellbeing of students is a top priority.
The Security and Safety Team, led by Mr. Jay Montez, is thoroughly trained to respond to a wide range of scenarios. Its focus is on proactive strategies to identify and address potential concerns early on including recognizing signs of mental-health struggles and working with parents to resolve them before they escalate.
Parents play a vital role in helping keep our campuses secure. Programs like Watch D.O.G.S. and the “Don’t Be a Stranger” vehicle-identification program offer ways to get involved. Stickers, magnets, and rearview-window tags are available to help identify vehicles during drop-off and pick-up allowing staff to focus scrutiny on vehicles and visitors they don't recognize.
Speaking of drop-off and pick-up, we kindly ask parents to review the procedures in the Student/Parent Handbook. Following the designated traffic patterns for each campus is crucial to ensuring a safer experience.
Carpooling is encouraged to reduce congestion. At Liberty Common High School, please ensure your student only enters or exits the vehicle from the curbside, and avoid jaywalking.
We hope you enjoyed meeting your children's instructors during the Back-to-School Nights. While it’s always exciting to introduce new teachers who have joined us over the summer, it’s also remarkable how little turnover we experience year after year. Liberty’s philosophy of hiring content-experts as teachers and treating them as the professionals they are has proven time and again that Liberty is an exceptional place to work. Our dedicated faculty is second to none in delivering a rich, knowledge-based curriculum to our scholars.
Welcome back Liberty families. The LCS Board of Directors looks forward to serving the school community this year.
For additional information about the Board of Directors and its duties, please visit the governance page of the website.
- safety