Loving Teachers Conquer(s) All
Loving Teachers Conquer(s) All
Bob Schaffer, Headmaster
Liberty students enjoy a day off next Friday 17 Feb allowing their beloved teachers to convene toward elevating professional knowledge and refining their classroom craft. For LCS educators, it’s a conquering act of dedication and love for our younger charges.
Instructors and administrators from other schools always join us for our conferences because, frankly, LCS has become Colorado’s premier institution in preserving and advancing proper k-12 educational strategies. We’re flying in national thought-leaders to help guide discussions and workshops.
Speakers Dan Frank, Director of Science curriculum at the Core Knowledge Foundation, and school-reform author Robert Pondiscio will get our day started. Then, we’ll break into various content talks and grade-level roundtables. Lots of interaction. Lots of collaboration. Lots of love.
Ideally, an amorous tone will hold from Tuesday’s celebration of St. Valentine’s Day, a holiday feted in Geoffrey Chaucer’s poem “Parliament of Foules.” In it, Chaucer wrote, “For this was sent on Seynt Valentyne’s day / When every foul cometh ther to choose his mate.”
In our benevolent school community, proper affections are like fire and water – rightly formed and habituated, determined by free will. Similarly, in Valentine’s cosmology, before man are life and death, good and evil, whichever he chooses shall be given.
The whole week plus the extra day off for President’s Day on Mon 20 Feb make for a charmed stretch of poetic times reminding us just how much we love LCS teachers, how practiced habits of tenderness can spare us the fiery Gehenna, and how Chaucer could so confidently assert “Amor vincit omnia (Love conquers all).”